Angela Stretch

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Angela Stretch is a media poet whose work extends to visual art that explores poetry and text with audio-visual technologies. Her work has been exhibited in exhibitions in Sydney and interstate since 2008. She was awarded winner and people’s choice prize for Amnesty International’s Freedom Art Competition 2008. She was awarded highly recommended at the Marrickville Art Prize 2009. Her video poems have featured in the Australian Poetry Festival 2008 & 2010; Sydney Writers Festival 2010, Federation Square, Melbourne, Overload Festival 2009; Ribbons of Cursive Razors of Font, Australian Council for Arts, 2011. She is the coordinator of the Brett Whiteley Studio poetry readings and is producer and presenter of Talking Through Your Arts, 2SER-FM.

Angela’s Poem

Nothing to Show

Always receding
you are
what I come out
to see.


who shuffles the cards,
who never comes forward
but simply appears

on a roller coaster
or walking down King Street-

the static poses
in which I multiply myself.

In a sense you are
what happens to me,

speaking through events
or when you choose

through aura’s last residue
of touch-

the product that says “buy me,”
the object that glows.

When I understand
I see

and when I am tired
or confused, I have
nothing to show

that sliver of the whole
that is just you being you-

a new moon which grows the old
again and again, but different
each time.

Tonight’s heavy as
an enormous peach

drooping over a side street.
The light a fragrant slant
That lingers through next day

as you yourself shift

from lover
to father or mother,

from singer
to silence,
then back to song.

In you
I view myself
at a distance

yet from there
you always seem
more real than me

more able to move
or think or speak

while I can only
write you off